Frequently Asked Questions

How do I install a theme?

Simply click the Install select box for the theme you wish to install.

Can I install more than 1 theme at a time?

No, you can only install 1 theme at a time. However, after you've successfully installed WordPress you will be given the option to download any of the themes in our directory. You can save them to your computer and install at a later time.

How do I get help with a theme I've installed, who should I contact?

Each theme developer is responsible for supporting their themes. To get technical assistance, log into your WordPress Admin Dashboard and navigate to Appearance > Themes. Hover over the thumbnail of the active theme and click on Theme Details. Under the name of the theme will be a link with the name of the developer. Click the link to be taken to their website. You will then have the option to submit a ticket or use their contact form.

Last updated